Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

417 - Degree in Economics

27404 - Principles of law and mercantile law

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27404 - Principles of law and mercantile law
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
417 - Degree in Economics
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview


The learning process designed for this subject is based on: the course has a theoretical and practical dimension. Therefore the methodology combines, on the one hand, in-person classes (with theoretical and practical teaching based on the case method, oral presentation and discussion by students) and, on the other, independent work by students which takes place outside the classroom.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered for students to help them achieve the expected results includes the following activities:


On-site activities


Activities which require the student's presence in the classroom shall alternate conveniently theory lectures and problem and case and problem based learning.


Exhibition and knowledge systematization in charge of professors.


These activities are assigned a total of 30 hours per student and group. Such classes provide students with a first contact with theoretical concepts and basic knowledge that will allow them subsequently a more efficient personal work and, ultimately, a better understanding of the subject. These sessions will be held once a week.


Dynamic activities between lecturers and students


To perform these kinds of activities the main group is divided into two subgroups. Time allocated for these tasks is 30 hours per student and subgroup.  



The skills promoted through these classes are: Participation of the student in the classroom will be encouraged through case method. By means of this system the student develops their ability to identify and analyze legal problems as well as his or her critical sense and oral skills. In addition, in this way, the student becomes familiar with the use of legal terminology. Acquisition of transveral competency consisting of ICT use for the location of legal information.


These activities are complemented by mentorship and seminars to clear up    doubts and clarify the most complex theoretical and practical contents of the subject and to supervise work developed by students.


Self-directed learning or personal work


Personal work outside the classroom is also essential for learning. It will consist of, among other activities:


1.-Reading and directed study of bibliographical material indicated and / or provided by the professor responsible for the group.


2. Analysis and resolution of issues and cases proposed by the teacher.


3. The study of the theoretical and practical contents, resolution of practical cases, as well as consultation and analysis of information required for legal task implementation.


5.3. Syllabus

Lesson 1. THE LAW. 1.1. The Law 1.2.Legal rules.1.3.Law and economics.


Lesson2. PATRIMONIAL LEGAL RELATIONS. 2.1 Patrimonial legal relations. 2.2. Participants in economic activities. 2.3.PropertyRights.Right of ownership.Limited real rights.


Lesson 3. EXCHANGE OF GOOD AND SERVICES. 3.1 Obligations. 3.2. Guarantees. 3.3. Contracts.


Lesson 4. FAMILY LAW AND SUCESSION LAW PATRIMONIAL ELEMENTS. 4.1. Family Law patrimonial elements. Matrimonial Property Regimes. Civil unions. 4.2. Succession Law patrimonial elements.

Lesson 5. BUSSINESSPERSONS. 5.1. Businesspersons. 5.2. Businesspersons’ Liability. 5.3. Sole trader. 5.4. Business companies 5.5. Businesspersons’ Contributors (colaboradores del empresario).


Lesson 6. BOOCKKEEPING AND PUBLIC REGISTRATATION DUTIES. 6.1. Bookkeeping. 6.2. Public registration dutuis, Bussines Registry


Lesson 7. ANTITRUST LAW, UNFAIR COMPETITION AND INTELECTUAL PROPERTY   7.1. The duty to compete. 7.2. Antitrust Legal Regime. 7.3. Unfair competition practices. 7.4. Trademarks. 7.5. Trade Names. 7.6. Business Signs. 7.7. Patents.


Lesson 8. BUSINESS COMPANIES. 8.1. Evolution and importance of corporations. 8.2. Legal entities. 8.3. Types of legal entities. 8.3. Formal incorporation requirements. Companies’ legal personality. 8.4. Companies in process of formation and companies in an irregular situation. 8.5. Incorporation agreements and unilateral companies incorporation (sole proprietorship).


Lesson 9. CORPORATIONS (I). 9.1. Corporations incorporation. 9.2. Contributions 9.3. Quotas and shares. 9.4. General meeting. 9.5. Corporations governance.


Lesson 10. CORPORATIONS (II). 10.1. Articles of association amendments. 10.2. Members and shareholders withdrawal and exclusion. 10.3. Winding up/ liquidation and dissolution 10.4.  La sociedad nueva empresa. 10.5.  Listed companies


Lesson 11. BILLS OF EXCHANGE; CHEQUES AND PROMISSORY NOTES. 11.1. Negotiable instruments 11.2. Bills of Exchange. 11.3. Cheques/ checks. 11.4.Promissory notes



Lesson 12. BANKRUPTCY. 12.1. Prerequisites for opening bankruptcy proceedings. 12.2 Bankruptcy proceedings bodies. 12.3. Effects of declaring bankruptcy proceedings open12.4.Aggregate assets and liabilities. 12.5. Bankruptcy solutions: composition and winding up. 12.6. Classification of the insolvency. 12.7.Conclusion and reopening of bankruptcy proceedings.